Nicaragua Surf Report for Monday, October 17, 2022

Brian Scott

Feliz Monday or Lunes if you’re here in Lovely Latin America! The business of real estate, the most famous saying is. . . location. . . location. . . location! Well, that couldn’t be anymore truer than this years best kept secret with the surfing, but not about the location (at least since this place has an abundant amount of spectacular places to go for really amazing surf), however this season has been all about, timing. . . timing. . . timing! Well, todays “timing” was prefect for the tides. But, I caught it when it was the most rain (haahahaa I’m just having one of those kinds of days) and now its been epically, no, SPECTACULARLY INCREDIBLE SUNNY WELL LIT LIGHTING, ever since I’ve finally dried off and am sitting here wiring up the report. BUT, the waves were really good and everyone out was ripping! Enjoy the wet wet show ~

Brian Scott

This unknown wave slayer was putting on more than a clinic, he was putting on a rail game that belongs on the world tour!

Brian Scott

Hayed’s as I like to call him, or formally known as Hayden. Took some time off and (left home - Nica-Land) for a little time but returned more amped and eager to surf than a beaver in a forest chalked full of timber and more rivers to build dams for than you can imagine! Here he is chopping down the agua forest of Playa Colorados!



Brian Scott

Pretty hard to find a decent barrel out there today, but if anyone was going to find one, it would be this barrel killer. Mr. Kev! Double hand stalling like he likes his favorite EEUU fast food fix the IN-N-OUT and the mouthwatering “Double Double” (actually kind of appropriately fitting in two ways, the In-N-Out part and the how he’s ironically double hand stalling so he can get one of them juicy barrels! Yeah buddy!!!

Brian Scott

When magazine used to be the real deal and only way to look at and dream about far away (and even local) surf spots, some of my favorite images I would tear out of my many magazines and the monthly posters that came with each issue and all the (to me best surf mag pages of each issue) that were plastered all over the walls of my bedroom growing up were a lot of the classic vertical top turns. Some of my favs at the time were Shane Beschen, Wes Laine, (of course Pancho, Archy, Sunny, Kelly, Occy & can’t forget Lisa Anderson) Chris Brown & Matt Hoy …. just to name and remember a few. The thing I loved most, firstly on these kinds of shots were the way the water looked from the thruster trailing fins and how it looked like a motor boat going up the face of the wave…. it looked specially cool with the zests lighting and the more tropical the water (ie super aqua color) and of course the second part was the body language of the pro surfers gecko like tweek of their body as everything was facing upwards from the hips down and the rest of the body turned completely the opposite direction looking back down at the bottom of the wave. Just perfect symmetry in motion (for me at least!)

Brian Scott

With this looking with what looked like ever direction coming at me…. I came prepared today and had my camera cover, so rain or shine, I was there to get the shots without having to run off. So for me, I beat you Mr. RAIN!!! HAAAAAAA!!!

Brian Scott

Because it really came down… good and hard!

Brian Scott

Hayed’s given em a Hells Bells cut in the pouring rain (in case you didn’t know his last name is really Bell - now you know a lot more about him than I bet you did before today).

Brian Scott

A few gal surfers out there that could do some pretty good turns too!

Brian Scott

Hahahahaha R U kidding me, I was saying that just to see if you were really paying attention. The Chicas were killing it out there in the Nica-land October rains!

Brian Scott

Well, like I always say and I’ll say it again….. be it rain or shine, this place will aways have at a least one photographer on the beach shooting. Cheerios mis amigos ~

Remember, even if you didn’t make the highlights you can always look at the link here for all the Daily Surf Shots from each day, there might be a good chance you’re in there!

AND don’t forget to follow us and always check out our current happenings on our daily Instagram stories here NSR or my photography here Nica Surf Shots 
