Nicaragua Surf Report for Sunday, December 09, 2018

Brian Scott

Welcome to todays surf report. As we close off the weekend, we saw some super playful waist high surf, which brought out a lot of the frolicking local community friends to enjoy some beautiful fun in the sun.

Brian Scott

Still offshore and still some waves at the ol’ PC beachie.

Brian Scott

The people are holding strong, before we all have to make our yearly transition over to the reef up the way.

Brian Scott

We have one more good looking swell that should be arriving here on or around the 13th. Its calling for 4-5 feet, which should be SUPER fun!

Brian Scott

Mona, I think we be gone by then, unfortunately. But at least she was still out there like the rest of em today. Enjoying herself some fun, clean little peelers.

Brian Scott

Steve has been out there every day (that I’ve seen) catching tons of waves while these things are perfect for long boarding.

Brian Scott

Good to see a lot of the local gal crew out there today. As a matter of fact, I think they occupied about 85% of the gender class in the lineup up.

Brian Scott

If you look reeaaaally reeaaaally close, you can see how much fun this guy’s having down at the far bar past the reef. I heard the sting rays have come a little early this season and they’re already gracing the stepping areas to get out to the lineups, so be sure to shuffle your feet people!!!

Brian Scott

Terra knows how to shuffle her way in and out of any lineup just fine. But then again, her contagious smile helps… I don’t think there are any sting rays that would want to hurt a nice gal like Terra!

Brian Scott

Dave-O was the only shortboarder that I saw out there today. Kudos to you amigo! Ripping on these little waves as well! Go DAVE!!!!

Brian Scott

Tati getting her feet used to the wax on a little more foam than she’s used to, for seasonal purposes; as her main squeeze watches on in the foreground.

Brian Scott

Dario (Tati’s main squeeze) perfecting yet another radical long boarding maneuver. How’s that pop shove-it, with a fins first take off!!!

Brian Scott

Of course, you can’t successfully conquer big new maneuvers without a little sacrifice as well. Dario pop shoved his fin hardware right out of his finbox, but only because his surfing is more radical than his board could handle. (**on a side note, he went in to put his fin on the sand and went right back out to continue working on his stylish maneuvers, except his board was now only a twin fin). I shall now call him Dalex “Tudor” Knost from now on!!

Brian Scott

High tide in all of it’s 3 foot backwash glory.

Brian Scott

I knew there was a sort of pre-themed get together for todays small wave shenanigans. All the gals wanted one more fun surf with Sophie, as this was her last day here in Nicaragua (for a little while).

Brian Scott

BUT not to worry…. She’ll be back!!! Safe travels Hermana - Buena suerte, tu familia Nica esperará tu rápido regreso! Tschüss für heute ~