Nicaragua Surf Report for Monday, August 28, 2017

Hello everybody and welcome to a fresh week of NSR reports! This is Parker logging in with a late upload. We are sorry (but really not really!!) because we did a boat all day but check out the shots!

A few days ago, my friends from Jacksonville, Florida got back in town. We are stoked to host Ben and Luke’s group again but I think they were more stoked to get on those long point breaks today.

Russel spent some good time getting to know these long walls. What do you think of your first time in Nicaragua?! Offshore winds all day, consistent surf, and a wide variety of wave times.

Hey Russel, did you have a good day today bro!?

Zack is another new face in the crew. Each day he’s said he has caught some of the best waves in his life. The beach break has been fun but today he rode 300 yard [frontside] lefts to the beach. Horrible day, right Zack?

Luke is no stranger to the lefts on the Esmeralda Coast. He told me how he actually prefers going backside and I can see why.

Frontside, backside, they’re both fun when the waves are good! Unknown surfer styled out on some cruising waves.

I can’t say totally unknown because Christian got some digits today… I think we need to get him a NICA phone that calls and on a more critical wave to accommodate his style.

Bryan caught the wave of the day. Out the back, this one was an overhead bomb. Closer in, it changed to a rippable wave. Enjoy your WOTD hat tomorrow brother!

You know what they say, big man = mucho power. I’m not sure if they actually say that but it seems like it makes sense. Nice clip, Brian Scott!!

Tyler probably stuck the most turns today. At one point, I saw him hammer out 3 top turns in 10 seconds. I think he’s going to want to come back to this spot.

Johnny sat out back to catch a few steam rollers. All of us were stoked to him on waves. Not only is he one of the nicest guys you’ll meet, but he’s overcome a lot of battles to get to where he is today. Congrats Johnny and keep killing it!!!

And smiling, throwing shakas, and having an all around good time! But you’re only allowed to come back if you drag Milton down with you!!

Bud was longboarder #2. This wave is fun because you can cruise on a log or take a shortboard out. Creep up on the nose OR blow the top of wave off…

But uhhh Bud, how did the zero sunscreen today work out? “Well, it’s simple, you let it burn the first day and then you’re fine for the rest of the trip.” What a legend!!!!

Baywatch flew over a couple sections to connect the wave. Sometimes you get a couple pesky sections, but overall, it’s a mellow, long, perfect point break. It’s a great compliment to heavy waves nearby.

Today, Brian Scott, our staff photographer and owner of Nicaragua Surf Shots handled the photography. For an additional charge, he stuck his GoPro on top of his housing and captured the clips. Yes, you are understanding that right: beautiful professional photos AND high quality clips… Thank you for a long day of 5,000 photos and a buena honda the entire time!!

The photographer did a good job taking photos today but we aren't sure the guide did a good job surfing.

Papi told me I need to cutback on a few things. Falling [in front of the camera] was his recommended starting point.

Luke, what else is in this week’s agenda? Definitely some golf, a little community service at Waves of Love, a couple more sessions together, a frequent fine cigar, and a bunch of “stop being a baby?” Sounds like a good week to me amigo but you are required to bring Cheeks and The Chad next time.

How did we end the day? Well, we hit a few spots first and then hit up the Cold Beer Lady in the nearby town. Thank you to my Jacksonville friends and thank you to our audience for checking out today’s action. Let us know if we can stoke you out on a trip like this. Buenas noches a todos!!