Nicaragua Surf Report for Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Hola muchachos, El Codo Lopez took the camera out today and shoot for a little while.  The waves were runnin' about chest to shoulder high on the bigger sets, winds were nice offshore and the water was cold.  Check it out!

NSR made a raffle of a cool little pocket camera today among all the employees.  Doña Adelita was the lucky girl of the day and now she got a nice camera in her pocket to capture every single moment of her life.

The lineup was not busy at all.  We only had about 4 guys taking some decent rides all over the place.  Riley looking down the line on a sweet left.

This Pelon was taking some nice ones in the inside section.  Buena ola Pelon! 

Lester was the only local dude out there, ripping all over the place.  Check him out working on his frontside maneuvers.

Mr Garret made it out and here he is tearing this section up.  Cool brahhhhhhhh!

Since the lineup was almost empty, we had some nice ones rolling in with no takers.  Take a look at this one!

Kiki Nica on the last shot of the day with a solid right all the way in to the beach.  Please check back tomorrow!