Nicaragua Surf Report for Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Brian Scott

Hey guys and girls, welcome back for the Tuesday surf report. Waves are still in the 1-3 zone, but everyone out (except for a couple others) were out there with long boards wave sliding, cross stepping, even riding in completely unconventional ways on their logs out there. It was a fun morning, or they sure seemed to make it look pretty fun!

Brian Scott

Cruising is what it’s all about when the waves are barely hitting the bottom of your board shorts. Unknown guy keeping it classy with this laid back stylish glide along this inside little right.

Brian Scott

This guy had a big, I mean it looks like a really big short board. But he was catching waves with it, which is all that matters!

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Isabel showing her years of experience riding the small surf with her standard and very small shortboard.

Brian Scott

Yeah bella! Slicen’ and dicin’!

Brian Scott

Some pretty mean carves for how little power the surf has right now.

Brian Scott

Whatcha gonna do when when you take off far behind the peak but you still really want to get to that cheater five??? You just go!!!

Brian Scott

Ooopsy…. and what do you do when you find out there was another guy behind you that you accidentally dropped in on. You turn around and apologize in person while riding out the rest of the wave backwards. Classic!!!!

Brian Scott

Elise, pulling just your typical hang five and glide technique that’s always so easy…. haha - for her of course!

Brian Scott

Just another great day to be outside and enjoying the outdoors in or out of the water.  Oki my friends, let’s see what Wednesday might bring us tomorrow. Hope you all have a GREAT rest of the day ~

Remember, even if you didn’t make the highlights you can always look at the link here for all the Daily Surf Shots from each day, there might be a good chance you’re in there!

AND don’t forget to follow us and always check out our current happenings on our daily Instagram stories here NSR or my photography here Nica Surf Shots 
