Nicaragua Surf Report for Sunday, April 15, 2018

Brian Scott

Howdy boys and girls. Welcome to the Sunday surf report. We had some sunny skies, warm water and a little bit of some fun swell gracing our waters today… oh and did I mention quite a few rippers out there as well. Kick off them flip flops, pull up a comfy chair and check it out!

Brian Scott

The water is super warm right now. Pretty much like how it is almost all year round. But it really is nice to see everyone back in boardshorts instead of full suits down here. It’s just not right… although THIS right looks pretty perfect!

Brian Scott

Marcos de Elephanté dropping into a solid one! Get it buddy!!

Brian Scott

The grom factor our there today was… well… well it felt very Trestles-esque; minus the the rocky bottom.

Brian Scott

What a great view this guy must have had, right up until that big ol’ snowball. jajaja - Chandeliers’R’US’ at your service.

Brian Scott

Perfect form, perfect light, just a perfect day.

Brian Scott

Kei Kobayashi just got back from slaying some waves up in Northern Nicaragua.

Brian Scott

Looks like he’s all warmed up and ready for our next good swell.

Brian Scott

Here’s the one lone chica out there representing the female ripping department today.

Brian Scott

Did I stress “Ripping Department” hard enough?

Brian Scott

Sometimes when culling my photos… I feel like there is no other option other than giving you guys the ol’ 1 - 2 sucker punch! ONE!!

Brian Scott


Brian Scott

 My friend and semi ex-pat for a month, Yani,  is here to get as barreled off his marbles as much as he possibly can.

Brian Scott

and the goal is to get as deep as he can, while making solid exits with a big roundhouse wrap at the end just like this every time!

Brian Scott

Purple lighting bolt boards are cool, only if you can do maneuvers like this….

Brian Scott

or this, on them. Oh and the Aloha shirt will get you a bunch of style points right off the bat!

Brian Scott

I could easily caption this with some kind of silly “The probability of precipitation forecast for rain”, but, for one, I’ve already done that plenty of times and two, rain… it doesn’t rain here in Nicaragua! jaja said Tropical Storm Nate.

Brian Scott

Kevin knows all the season here all too well… but I’ll just go ahead and say it anyways… he usually plays a big role on when and how it’s raining here.

Brian Scott

Reef or sandbar?? Can you tell? How good is your surface wave 6th sense, based off of bathymetry.

Brian Scott

This pulled back view might just give it away, but that’s only if you’ve surfed here. If you haven’t, then that means you’re due for a surf trip.. and not just any surf trip, you need a surf trip here while the southern Pacific is about to light this place up… so come on down! ¡Hasta próxima! ~
