Nicaragua Surf Report for Sunday, June 30, 2013

Hello cyber-space! Today we have some variable winds with a light side-shore / onshore. There weren't too many people in the water, but there were still some fun waste to shoulder high corners out there to be had. Off-shore winds will be back soon! 

Here we have John eying a section down the line. While the onshore winds are a bummer for us down here, this would be a good day in most places. Put on the gas John! 

Alex is down here in Nica for the season and looks like he's negotiated this bottom turn out here plenty of times. He's not a short guy and wave is clearly over his head. You do the math.

There were a couple of rights out there the be had as well. Here we wave an unnamed shredder looking to take flight on the end section.

The lefts stole the show today. Here's Hugo all the way from France looking to air-dry his fins. 

There were some smooth faces coming in in-spite of the onshore winds. This found a nice little corner to crack one on his back-hand. Yeah buddy!

Sometimes you are in control of your board, and sometimes the baord has a mind of it's own. Here we have the black-beauty picking it's line sans surfer. Happens to the best of us!

Here is Don Vulture with all of his family and friends appreciating the onshore winds. They shouldn't get too comfortable as we hope the holy offshores will be back soon!
Ok guys, Codo Lopez and Don Simon de la Salsa del Oeste are out! Keep checking in for some improved conditions in the following week.