Nicaragua Surf Report for Monday, December 05, 2022

Brian Scott

Hola & Happy Monday my surf amigos! You’re kickoff for this weeks reports is starting out with some small if not the smallest surf I’ve seen for the season. Even the ol’ “Drops” (if we could even call it that, it was more like a dribble) of swell was looking pretty meager. However, there were some people out and the weather. . . well, that thankfully was and is still spectacular today! Always looking on the bright side of things, right?!?

Brian Scott

Ok, well maybe our “dribble” of size might be some of your better days where you live, but hey, that’s why they make longboards.

Brian Scott

Actually I think everyone out there was on a long board or some kind of hybrid of a fun board shape or anything with lot more foam that would help them catch all those fun little peelers.

Brian Scott

But, with that high tide creeping up as the morning progressed, it made for the waves to roll, and roll, and roll, thus making the surfers paddle their little hearts out only to be surmised by the deceiving what looked like it was going to break each time but would eventually end up peaking right near the shore.

Brian Scott

Like this guy here… he must have paddled for a good 25-50 yards on that big old soft top!

Brian Scott

This dude paddled out after I was already shooting and nabbed one right away. But how’s that left in the background.

Brian Scott

Aaaah haaaa - he caught onto that pretty quickly! Seeeeee!! :)

Brian Scott

Ooooooh-Kaaaaay, WAIT a minute, we have a schralper in the water!!! And he’s on a shorty too. Kid was ripping up those little gutless waves to pieces!

Brian Scott

Speaking of guts. You better have a lot of them and some pretty big huevos too if you plan on using this wave catching machine. Don’t worry, the owners of this incredible beast love the thrill of places like the Outer Reef and other special secret spots around these parts when this place lights up. This thing has 2023 written ALL OVER IT!!! Yeaaaaah Kai, here’s to some big fat purple blobs next season!

Brian Scott

Ok, back to the surfer/shredder of the gnar of the day! Yeaaaaah hermano, killing it!!!

Brian Scott

Longest ridden waves of the day goes to this hombre.

Brian Scott

He took off from way outside, (unbelievably there was a really nice set wave that came from out of nowhere) and he just happened to be in the right spot at the right time.

Brian Scott

He was just cruising… and cruising and cruising along.

Brian Scott

All the way to the beach and lliterally stepped off onto dry sand. Now that’s exactly how you end a good session, whether it’s 1 foot or 10 + foot.  Ahhh man, it’s good to be a surfer on those days!


Brian Scott

And with that, Larry, Curly and Mo were off to go get some late morning breakfast after their small, but uncrowded and like I mentioned, absolutely gorgeous start of the day! Please December, bring us some more rare and unpredictable swell, like you did in October and November!

C ya’ll in the flip side mañana ~

Remember, even if you didn’t make the highlights you can always look at the link here for all the Daily Surf Shots from each day, there might be a good chance you’re in there!

AND don’t forget to follow us and always check out our current happenings on our daily Instagram stories here NSR or my photography here Nica Surf Shots 


