Nicaragua Surf Report for Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Brian Scott

Happy Hump day (again). Man how time seems to just fly by here in Nica-Land! Just another gorgeous day here on the Emerald Coast. You guys know the routine! Checkity check it!

Brian Scott

Chris trying to change his name to Layback Larry! jaja

Brian Scott

Barrels, you betcha, all day long!

Brian Scott

Even Carlitos (with the ever so watchful eye of his mana helping him out, but pushing him literally physically and mentally into some well overhead surf today! Yeah Carlitos and Rutci!!!

Brian Scott

It’s John, and it’s Gillem if you’re NASTY! Ok, I’m quoting one of the most famous female Pop artist in history, but JG, getting down like funky brown with this sick barreling right! Yeaaaaah buddy!!!

Brian Scott

Mike has probably more air miles than airline pilots! LOL - But what’s really cool, besides his grom surfing attitude and complete froth-fest appetite anytime he paddles out, would be. . . . well, check out the next pic!

Brian Scott

Not only his partner in crime, but I think this might be the (at least for me) VEEEEERY first and quite possibly the only photo of Megan getting shacked at her beloved beach break here at PC. This woman is more than amazing! She’s the major player behind the scenes (that’s short for very humble) for the very much needed clinic that’s been nothing but an uphill battle for her and everyone involved with giving this place the crucially in demand medical clinic that has helped so many people here on so many levels, I cannot even begin how many people she’s helped by opening up our very own clinic here, and that’s just the start. She’s also recently spearheaded (what not one single person here would even bring up due to fear of being ostracized, or getting shut down due to (we’ll just say very complicated internal reasons), but she persevered and has created one of THE best lifeguarding teams I (personally) think along the entire coast of Nicaragua. Megan….. this ONE’S for YOU BABE!!!!   ;)

Brian Scott

Earlier on speaking about airlines and what not, this shot funnily reminds me of those dudes on the tarmac at the airports guiding in the big jumbo jets to their appointed terminals.

Brian Scott

Well. . . looks like his directing skills landed this dude perfectly to his arrival gate right on time!

Brian Scott

Unknown ripper “Hump Day” blast master!

Brian Scott

This kid is not only one of the most humble (which pretty much everyone here I can proudly say, they - the Nica “older crew” has taught the younger generations very well here) Mikey, here, taking a little break from shooting most days behind the lens (always video) and finally getting a shot of his skills very much worth of one of the best shots on todays surf report. Yeaaaaaaah Mikey!!!!! (btw - the sequence is even more impressive, although this is only just one shot of the entire wave he threaded the needle in and came out clean, like all the rest of the locals do on the daily!)

Brian Scott

So many people coming and going now - a - days, it’s been hard to keep track of everyone since we had that huge “gap” where time stood still for what was the largest crowd control since maybe world war II.

Brian Scott

Crowd control or not, surfers are going to find any way to get to the water, where it’s where they really live. Day by day.

Brian Scott

Whether you RIP, like this chica here, OR if you’re a total beginner, the feeling is and will always be the same…. like Kelly Slater said in one of his more classic interviews of many. . . “Surfing is like being in the Mob, once you’re in, you can never get out!”

Brian Scott

Mob boss, or just a part of the gang. . . everyone wants to climb the totem pole, for whatever reasons they might have, but the same thing will always apply. . . you’re addicted whether you like it or not.

Brian Scott

Some people are so in it for life, they’ve spent their entire lives chasing waves, spending countless hours searching, investing unimaginable dollars on surf gear, all in the name of “surfing”; and some people have even had to end relationships over this indescribable addiction. Luckily for John, his wife Joan is one of the most amazing and supportive wives any surfer could ever ask for!

Brian Scott

Luckily for those who know or follow this little web-slice of our little paradise wave heaven, this photo is ironically picture perfect as to how small the window is to such a more grandioso world the surf world really is.

Brian Scott

And to think, today was smaller, kinda average, but to some, more likely for the ones who traveled all the way here to experience the sweet nectar of Nicaragua, to them, this might have been the best surf trip of their lives ~


Remember, even if you didn’t make the highlights you can always look at the link here for all the Daily Surf Shots from each day, there might be a good chance you’re in there!

AND don’t forget to follow us and always check out our current happenings on our daily Instagram stories here NSR or my photography here Nica Surf Shots 
