Nicaragua Surf Report for Sunday, October 23, 2022

Brian Scott

WELCOME back Sunday, the Funday we all look forward to! Well, more incredible October continues …. as I go away for a few days and I come back to what looks like mid season perfection, once again! Like I say, “If it ain’t yours, then it’s definitely NACHOS!!! (Pictured here). Enjoy amigos ~

Brian Scott

This talented and killing the lightly crowed lineup today, going backside no grab rail isn’t the easiest of feats to pull off, especially in solid hollow barrels, which is what we had all morning. This kid was channeling his inner (opposite footed Andy and or Bruce Irons out there with ease!)

Brian Scott

George, George, George of the jungle…. Watch out for that treeeeee!!!! Jaja

Brian Scott

But that’s ok, we now have a solid team of life guards on hand should anyone hit a tree out in the lineup or need be any other lifesaving help. Good job guys, always having your eyes on the water!

Brian Scott

This young lady was throwing down some serious turns, and barrels too (unfortunately I missed the one of her’s I saw, but couldn’t quite swing my camera around quick enough in time, but I saw it with my eyes. It was as good as this turn where she’s throwing more water than I think I’ve ever seen a chica surfer do here at the ol’ PC’s!

Brian Scott

The crowds or I should say crowd if there really was such a thing today with a lot of early departures.

Brian Scott

Hahaha - I mean departures, like this!

Brian Scott

Carlitos always traveling through time . . .

Brian Scott

And has visions only most of dream of!

Brian Scott

He had an early departure as well!

Brian Scott

Size-O-meter. . .

Brian Scott

And the A-Frame factory today was fuerte!!!

Brian Scott

Or how about this one for a good Size-O-meter??? Pretty SOLID if I might say so!

Brian Scott

So much froth, you can barely see the surfer in that hecktic-ness of a wave!

Brian Scott

But coming out of a barrel with a landing time, right on schedule, is always one of the better ways to see a prefect wave complete. and he stomped it too BTW!

Brian Scott

Here they come. . . .

Brian Scott

Josh paddling right to the pinpoint spot to nab one of those meaty outsiders peeling off from the indicator. Catching this thing like he’s done now year after year!

Brian Scott

And with that came a very happy and proud Papa moment!!

Brian Scott

Whaaaaat is really going on with you October??? Not complaining in ANY way, shape or form, but did I miss something??? Is it really October?

Brian Scott

I am hoping and praying November will be the same and maybe even better, with less sporadic rains.

Brian Scott

But the rains aren’t going to be slowing anyone down, especially when you have an umbrella like this.

Brian Scott

Ahhh, the sun came out during his whole barrel ride just as he came out of the barrel as well.

Brian Scott

This one with Gigante looking all super jungly and gnarly, just give this barrel shot of this surfer the feeling of absolute ferrel-ness!

Brian Scott

And then there was the show stopper. At least for the photog! :(

Brian Scott

And the tide was creeping up, so I figured I had plenty in the can for a pretty good surf report, what do say??? Let’s have a repeat mañana Yaaaa!  I’ll be back again tomorrow.

Cheers ~

Remember, even if you didn’t make the highlights you can always look at the link here for all the Daily Surf Shots from each day, there might be a good chance you’re in there!

AND don’t forget to follow us and always check out our current happenings on our daily Instagram stories here NSR or my photography here Nica Surf Shots 

