Nicaragua Surf Report for Monday, October 10, 2022

Brian Scott

Hola chicos! Well, Hurricane Julia came and went with not only a quickness, but we woke today to absolutely gorgeous sunny and perfect weather. I have yet to see the damaged areas effected outside of Hacienda Iguana, but I imagine there is quite a bit of people who are in need of help. The good part is at least the weather is nice and it’s apparent the water has subsided A BUNCH!!!

Brian Scott

One the two paths (just to this beach alone) - aka waterways or rivers that leads all things ”rain water” directly to it’s final destination. . . the ocean! Not including all the other beaches where all that water from Managua and beyond was flowing heavily towards our diretion all day yesterday. The beach here actually looks pretty good considering how much water flow came though here.

Brian Scott

The water however (as you can see here) is a mess and I personally wouldn’t recommend going in or at a least waiting for about 48 t0 72 hours OR if the water returns back to it’s beautiful blue color again. What people don’t think about is how many fincas, pueblos, small towns, big cities and everything along the way sweeping up anything in it’s path and is now floating around right here smack dab in what is usually a really fun surf zone. Getting sick, ear infections, sinus infections, Hep A, B or C I think is 100% worth waiting it out, but I know I will see people out there, maybe not today, but for sure within the next day or two.

Brian Scott

After a really heavy storm like we had yesterday the beach would normally be clustered with mostly a lot of driftwood, tree branches, and most times gigantic whole trees that get uprooted along the riversides that get swept down stream and end up lined up all along the beach and even out in the lineups. Here, if you told someone who didn’t even know we had a major storm pass over the country yesterday, they’d think you were pulling their leg, the beach looked that clean, super oddly!!!

Brian Scott

Beach club is closed for the month, but unscathed, thankfully. Even the pool is still bright blue and not filled with muddy water unlike what Tropical Storm Nate did to it, with more damage in all my years living here and how that storm alone, pretty much threw the entire country off guard. 

Brian Scott

Yesterdays heavy water flow all running directly through the flat landed areas of Hacienda Iguana.

Brian Scott

Compared to an almost identically placed image taken from today (gracias @claudilijewelry ) for snapping all the shots from the back of the moto today! 

Brian Scott

Even better news, I took a little extra time (since there wasn’t any surfing action today) but I put together a little forecast chart and it’s looking like after today, we’re going to be back on track for the OOTO October (if you need a recap for my acronym for the OOTO - it’s “Out of the Ordinary” October, which it has totally been! This month could possibly be the best month of the season, which would be a first!!

Brian Scott

So that’s it my friends. Sorry there isn’t any surfing action for you today, but we are super lucky and very blessed things weren’t as bad as it could have been. However, like I said, I haven’t seen yet any content or images of the damaged areas but please feel free to e-mail or message using our IG page if you know or see any pueblos or areas that are in need. Even though this platform is for surfing gratification, we as a company here at NSR do our best to help when we can when help is needed, so we will do our best to put together some helping “AID” teams and use our resources where we can!  Everyone have a blessed day and Stay tuned fo that really good looking forecast that’s coming…!  ~
