Nicaragua Surf Report for Thursday, July 24, 2008

Now that the 2008 contest season is over, we'd like to congratulate our overall champions.  For the Nationals and Junior Nationals, the Champ is none other than Young Rex "La Bestia" Calderon.  For the International division, Luis Chamorro took home the honors.  It was a clean sweep for the SJDS boys this year who all take home gold Rolex's!  (Second place gets steak knives)  We'll see ya again next year.

Hi folks, this is Roberto “Lucha Libre” Garcia bringing you the action from the beach.  Today the swell was supposed to pick up, so we headed out to the beach early in the morning and we scored some fun waves with no crowd.  It was head high with some over head sets coming through, the wind was off shore but it was overcast making it tough for photos.  Check out what we got this morning.

The man of the day was Rex “La Bestia” Calderon who paddled out there and was destroying every single wave he caught. Check out what he did after this shot of him so proud with the last four trophies he got from the last contest at Popoyo, where he got the tittles as the best junior surfer in the country and as well as the best national surfer in Nicaragua.  For complete contest coverage, click on the above photo.

Today he was doing every kind of maneuvers.  This little kid is amazing and he has a long repertory, from sick busting airs to sick snaps.  This time he decided to pull into this little shack.

No even close to show all that he got, he was practicing some aerials.  Here I caught him with his signature move.

Juan “La Mosca” De la Perra is trying to follow Rex’s steps but he still has a lot work to do.  Check him out going big with a late take off on this nice looking left.

Luis “La Baloy” Chamorro was part of the show out there today and was having so much fun with his friends.  There were only about 6 guys out making it easy to do what you wanted to do.  Here is “La Baloy” setting up for the barrel.

Here we have Rodolfo “Calibilly” Villareal who lately was doing pretty well in the last two contests we had.  I think he will be one of the guys to beat the next year in the upcoming contests.

There were some empty waves that rolled in with nobody on.  Here is one of them to prove it.

The last shot of the day we have “La Bestia” Calderon with a sick snap.  The swell is still building for the next few days, so we might score some fun ones.  Until them!!!