Nicaragua Surf Report for Thursday, March 09, 2023

Hey everyone welcome back to the surf report today i decided to go see how pangas was and there was no one out there but i did get to see a class from John and Josh and some kids doing a great job catching those waves.

but since there was no one when i went out to shoot at Pangas i decided to go to Colorado and find some surfers having fun on these waves.

Like look at this guy he seems like he is having a great time out there in the water.

like everyone out there when i was shooting was trying to get air time looks super cool hopefully i am going to be able to do that too :)

Lucas out there having a blast as well not the biggest waves but still fun. Getting a better shape then the last couple of months and the winds are not as strong.

I also really liked this waves that this guy caught

Sadly my camera did not capture the turn so i am not able to show you guys how it looked

But he landed it and it was really a nice turn in my opinion

Also this guy was definitely out there practicing his air time and having a great time.

Anyway that is all for today i will catch you guys in the next one. Don't forget to have a great day and spread the love and joy:)