Nicaragua Surf Report for Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Brian Scott

Happy Tuesday morning ya’ll! Getting out there early aways feels great, especially when we have waves, that amazing morning sunlight is hitting those prefect sized fun rights mixed in with some pretty amazing pristine conditions which make it all perfect for a day to go surfing!

Brian Scott

The path that leads to often times more than not, pretty good things. . . !

Brian Scott

Like this here. Not a bad thing to see as you eagerly walk up that little hill not knowing what you’re about to see on the other side.

Brian Scott

Super light winds this AM and pretty consistent waves coming. This guy was sitting way far to the south pickoff those insider waves, the ones that nobody could catch because the tide was still pretty full.

Brian Scott

Couldn’t quite find that barrel that I know he was looking for, BUT a good lip bash at the end ALWAYS feels so dang nice!

Brian Scott

Paddle paddle. . . one of the reefs notorious outside cleanup sets.

Brian Scott

Joe Cocker said it best. . . “with a little help from your friends”, JS helping out a friend as always get into some otherwise almost un makable high tide rolling through waves.

Brian Scott

But once she got to her feet, you can see how nice that wave formed into once it jacked up on the inside and her smile is 100% infectious with surf stoke!

Brian Scott

John taking one in for himself while his counterpart surf student rode that thing all the way in to the beach.

Brian Scott

Quite a few peeps out there, here’s one of the many unknown visitors reaping the rewards of the early morning excellent conditions!


Brian Scott

Local and long time surfer here in Nicaragua, Kenny Smith doing what he does best and doing exactly what surfing was meant for. . . having the best time of your life, while riding one of the earths best resources of naturally made energy. Yeaaaaah buddy!

Brian Scott

Beautiful morning light, fun long walls with racey little inside sections. How else would you prefer to start your day?

Brian Scott

I know you would all agree that YES YES YES, sign me up, before I have to go grind out some work for all my bills, family, food, etc; I think that’s why we as surfers appreciate what we have. Much like seeing this as you paddle back out for a few more.

Brian Scott

Rip Curl nailed, probably one of the most iconic logos of all surf brands stemming all the way back from its inception of a wave that looks almost identical as this little perfect peeling wave here. Just a little surf company back in 1969. I mean, come on, that had to have been a GREAT time to be alive and especially as a surfer. I was still just a twinkle in my pops eyes, but that was the year of Woodstock (350,000 people of whom attended - and I’m sure a lot of people walking around to this day were procreated at that very once in a lifetime concert - lol), Let's see, we also landed on the moon, Sesame Street debuted for it’s first time on television (great show growing up watching too btw), Paul Newman and Robert Redford starred in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. . . but in the surfing world, one thing that would remain legendary even to this day was the swell that hit Hawaii between December 1 and 4 1969, although it wasn’t the biggest, longest, or gnarliest, but it was the most famous swell in the history of surfing. Even now, more than half a century later, the legend lives on. There are several reasons for this, most notably because of a wave that Greg Noll rode at Makaha; a wave so big that shortly afterwards, Noll hung up his striped shorts and called it a day. Just some fun Tuesday, surf and non-surf history facts for all you who were there and remember and for all you younger generation peeps, it’s always good know and to remember your history!

Hope you all have a fantastic Tuesday ~

Remember, even if you didn’t make the highlights you can always look at the link here for all the Daily Surf Shots from each day, there might be a good chance you’re in there!

AND don’t forget to follow us and always check out our current happenings on our daily Instagram stories here NSR or my photography here Nica Surf Shots 
