Nicaragua Surf Report for Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Brian Scott

Welcome to the Wednesday surf report. Pretty side shore in the afternoon and not as big as the other late arvo session, but still had some people out there having fun, and yeah, the waters getting a bit chilly!

Brian Scott

Empty left up for grabs…!

Brian Scott

Birdy was out there ripping at his home away from home surf break, well literally his home sits tucked away back from the beach here. However when I say home away from home, his other home sits very similarly to the his other home break in France, you might have heard of it. . . Biarritz.

Brian Scott

So it’s no wonder why he surfers so well!

Brian Scott

And the same goes for his kids also, like Robyn here. Following his pops flow, but on his backhand.

Brian Scott

Although the consistency wasn’t all that (well consistent). There were still some pretty good sized sets that would pop up out of nowhere way out the back.

Brian Scott

Cesar digging in, loving himself those long lefts that were coming in.

Brian Scott

Of course there’s always the surfer leaving and new surfers arriving exchange of, “so, how was it?” exiting surfer as you tell saying . . . “Mmm, ya it was ok”.

Brian Scott

And then you look out and see this guy just about to get shacked at PD’s. See now you know why this wave is so dang unpredictable!

Brian Scott

The end to another beautiful day here in Nicaragua! I’m off for the next few days, so chime in for Daniels reports and surf happenings mañana! See ya back in a few days ~

Remember, even if you didn’t make the highlights you can always look at the link here for all the Daily Surf Shots from each day, there might be a good chance you’re in there!

AND don’t forget to follow us and always check out our current happenings on our daily Instagram stories here NSR or my photography here Nica Surf Shots 
