Nicaragua Surf Report for Friday, December 01, 2023

Josh S

Friday surf report coming your way from Panga Drops! Josh here for the next couple of days. The waves were pretty fun this morning! Playful size and decent wind.

Josh S

Mike got a handful of solid set waves this morning. This right shaped up nicely through the inside.

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Lenin from Rancho Santana was out blasting some lips and hacking up wave faces. He ripped the hardest this morning.

Josh S

Surf’s up haha! There were a few beginners and bodyboarders on foam equipment enjoying the softer waves up the beach.

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Turn, then stand? I’ve ALWAYS considered it more advantageous to stand THEN turn. More freedom from one’s feet.

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This older gentleman displayed smooth style on his waves today. He faded the takeoff by dropping to the right, then drove through a bottom turn to the left.

Josh S

Mike showcased a textbook bottom turn here. He’s strong over his back foot and you can see his left elbow pulling back with his eyes up the face on target.

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The rights are usually better than the lefts at Pangas, but this left continued all the way to the shore for Mike.

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Jack See working on his superman pose. :)

Josh S

When sets come through at Pangas it’s easy for everyone to get washed close together. Usually everything is fine and everyone keeps a safe distance from each other, but sometimes I wonder if we need to put a traffic light out there haha.

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Lenin driving through a strong drawn-out roundhouse cutback.

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Pangas is the ultimate wave to perfect your roundhouses.

Josh S

I’m always amazed at how some of the better local surfers, like Lenin, maintain and generate so much speed on their shortboards. Although Pangas has size, it’s a very fat and soft wave.

Josh S

On the inside Lenin blew the back off this one to seal an excellent ride. I wouldn’t want to face him in a heat at Pangas, he’s got it wired.

Josh S

Thanks for stopping by and scoping out today’s surf action. It’s been great conditions for beginners and intermediates lately, and I expect the favorable conditions to persist for most of this month. Hasta mañana!