Nicaragua Surf Report for Thursday, October 26, 2023

Josh S

Howdy everyone. Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Playa Colorado. Unfortunately the onshore wind has returned, but it wasn’t too strong in the latter part of the morning.

Josh S

Cesar riding waves and making waves this morning. He displaced a translucent semi-circle of spray.

Josh S

This visiting surfer showcased textbook form on this roundhouse cutback. High-tide Colorados + onshore wind = good conditions for roundhouses.

Josh S

John made my life easier again today by jumping out for some waves on the Ricky Carroll. He didn’t let the extra length stop him from teeing up.

Josh S

Nammy carving his way through the soft inside section.

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One may wonder how John was able to ride out of this power carve here. The secret was in the set-up. He came in blazing down the line, so in order to wipe off his speed and get the board to come around, he had to hammer down super hard on his back foot and heels. His extreme back foot pressure is clearly evidenced by the portion of his front foot which is elevated off the deck of the board (visible to us).

Josh S

A quick backside blast-ah from John. Thank goodness he went out to create some content for the report haha!

Josh S

I concur John, it is indeed about 11:00am :)

Josh S

The size was comparable to yesterday, but there were still a few odd large set waves.

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I was surprised to see John cut his bottom turn short here, but to be fair the oncoming closeout section was pretty heavy.

Josh S

I think this guy was hoping for a barrel here :)

Josh S

Party wave!

Josh S

Well amigos, it was fun for a quick paddle today, but nothing too special. I wish I could say there were better conditions down the pipe, but it looks like we could have some ugly onshore flow for the next few days. Hopefully this tropical system doesn’t result in much flooding. I’ll still have some content coming your way mañana regardless of how “feo” it is out there.