Nicaragua Surf Report for Friday, September 22, 2023

Josh S

Happy Friday everyone! There were plenty of small, but super clean waves on tap at Colorados this morning. Good for ripping, but not so many tubes rolling through.

Josh S

The Espinoza brothers ran the show in the lineup this morning. Oscar fully extending all the way to his tippy toes on this backhand fin ditch.

Josh S

Oscar logged some airtime today as well. He’s giving us the “talk to the hand”.

Josh S

It wasn’t all air-reverses and power hacks today though. The surf was gentle this morning making for fun long-boarding conditions. This guy got some good glide time on this glassy right.

Josh S

Oscar got lofty and inverted at the same time! It’s hard for me to believe how hard he was ripping this morning given how gutless the surf was. Maybe he’s trying to get a lot of water time in before the (likely) onshores arrive in October.

Josh S

I bet Oscar’s good at tag, as he got the lip good here. Now you’re it!

Josh S

This chica prepping for some tubes (if they ever return) showcasing her pig-dog game. I like her line of sight and open lead palm here.

Josh S

Oscar tagged out and Lesther tagged in for his shred sesh. Oscar’s not the only one who can fly!

Josh S

Sick power carve from a mystery surfer. Quite a few of the surfers today were generating impressive amounts of power and drive despite the waves being waist to stomach high.

Josh S

I wonder if this guy intended to work on his lip smacks here or booty smack haha! I mean check out his trailing hand! Watch out ladies XD

Josh S

Lesther spared this wave no mercy. He ripped the face off of this first section!

Josh S

Then ripped the back off the second section. This wave probably took the cake for best combo of the day.

Josh S

This guy’s carve game was on point this morning. Check out how he is touching the wave face with his lead hand and is driving his body around it. This guy’s carve game will be perfectly prepared for some Halloween pumpkins.

Josh S

Ah ha! One sneaky tube did manage to manifest for the same “limbo master” seen on yesterday’s report. Lightning strikes twice Mr. MMA low-rider!

Josh S

Another morning from paradise! It’s not firing on all cylinders, but the surf has been very rippable. Tomorrow’s forecast looks like a clone of today, so if you’ve been enjoying the airs and lacerations then stop back in for Saturday’s shredding.