Nicaragua Surf Report for Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Josh S

Hi everyone! Welcome to Wednesday’s surf report from main peak Pangas. It was pretty small out there this morning, but we lucked out with some relatively light wind.

Josh S

John up to business as usual on the Ricky Carroll.

Josh S

The photos make it look bigger than it was… There were some decent waves when they came, but you had to be pretty patient out there.

Josh S

Criss, Cross, Applesauce!

Josh S

This young fella did a good job of generating and carrying his speed out there. Pangas can be a brutal wave to navigate on performance shortboards, but this guy surfed well out there this morning.

Josh S

A bit early to call it noon amigo! Haha

Josh S

I was in good fortune this morning as Bruno, Mariana, and some friends came out on boogey’s. Now I’ll be the first to admit that I can get annoyed by boogey’s in the lineup on good days at Colorados, but they provided some much needed variety to the surf report today. (We need to give John less screen time haha).

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Under the lip + wind hold up = Air Drop!

Josh S

Signature backside carve deployed.

Josh S

I was impressed that this guy completed his spinner despite being way out in the flats.

Josh S

Bruno had to one-up with a drop-knee spinner haha.

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There a couple of gems rolling through at the Costa Mar peak, but it was even slower there when compared to Main Peak.

Josh S

Well I can’t complain at all today, as I got lucky with timing the surf report over at the same time as Bruno and company’s session. The wind was lighter too. I’m still saving my arms and Sticky Bumps wax for the swell that arrives early next month haha. Anyways, you guys have a good one and see you tomorrow!