Nicaragua Surf Report for Thursday, December 29, 2022

Hey there everyone hope you are having great holidays so far because I am enjoying these days to the fullest and i feel like you should too it's a great time to go out in the water and enjoy yourself.

was out taking these pics during mid tide going down and there was still some nice waves small but still great and there was only a hand full of people at the time i was out there.

Lindsey out there enjoying herself on that nice right. Go Lindsey Go!

Also John out there with a student learning to surf what a great teacher he is i had one class with him and he helped me out a lot with my form and catching waves better.

These next pictures are of these brothers from France just shredding those waves...

Great surfers and great guys too

since they were part of the only ones that were out there they were catching waves left and right.

small but they sure knew how to ride them and always great time to practice.

There was also this guy he was doing great as well!

Well that is all for today wish you guys have a wonderful rest of the holidays and have a good time with the family and i will see you in the next one. :)

Say hi to Jonathan and Istiana Great friends of mine. ;)
