Nicaragua Surf Report | Photo from November 22, 2022 at 7:13 PM

Peanut gallery much???? Todays was like going to one of the best movies that comes out in the theaters for the year, but you prefer to see it at the matinee early in the day. Yeah, like that, only a handfull of people, or maybe even just you BUT THEN...  that one weird dude strolls in late when the trailers are playing and you just thought to yourself, dang, I got this whole movie theater to myself" and then you realize you’re going to be watching a moving all alone in a theater with just you and this guy who has the jumbo popcorn, a super sized nachos, 3 snickers bars, two hot dogs and triple sized Coca Cola! So with that said (or picture in your mind - you're welcome btw), it’s wide open so you can pick not just your own seat, but your whole entire row. That’s about how it was for the spectator viewpoint for todays epic waves!

(*** Muchísimas gracias claudilijewelry a por ayudar con la toma de las fotos épicas que todos vieron para el informe de surf de hoy)

Remember, even if you didn’t make the highlights you can always look at the link here for all the Daily Surf Shots from each day, there might be a good chance you’re in there!

AND don’t forget to follow us and always check out our current happenings on our daily Instagram stories here NSR or my photography here Nica Surf Shots 

< See the entire Nicaragua Surf Report for 11-22-2022