Nicaragua Surf Report for Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Brian Scott

Happy Halloween from NSR everyone! Today we had some small, but fun waves with some amazing weather. Trick or Treat!?!

Brian Scott

Looks like Tati is going as a vaquera for her Halloween theme today, since she’s back in the saddle!

Brian Scott

Hacienda Iguana’s does a good job of helping to celebrate Halloween each year by coordinating a special “Trick or Treat” rout around the community the little ones dress up and go gather candy. I wonder what Matt’s niños pequeños will be going as tonight?

Brian Scott

Good to see Rick out surfing as opposed to swimming and taking his beautiful water shots he’s normally doing ever day.

Brian Scott

There were some goblin green mini nuggets on tap for a select few today.

Brian Scott

I never knew construction workers, work like photographers. It’s all about those angles hombres!

Brian Scott

Big Rob was getting all “Freaky” with his cut backs today.

Brian Scott

Nice moves hermano! What are the twins gonna go as tonight? You should have them wrapped in giant Double Mint Gum wrappers hahaha!

Brian Scott

Tony Z always goes as the same thing each year… esteemed Twin Bird Lover.

Brian Scott

Seth is another one of the many cool dads in the hood. He’s got two little girls as well. I think I’m starting to see why all the dad’s were out surfing early today. I think they’re all gonna be on “Trick or Treat” duty this evening. Now it’s all making sense!

Brian Scott

Scott’s kids are all pretty much grown up, but that didn’t keep him from pulling into the Playa Colorado haunted house this morning.

Brian Scott

You know you’re doing it right when you PIMP out your EZ-GO for the kiddos to go cruise around in for Halloween.

Brian Scott

Okay, Tati and Giulia say have a fun and safe Halloween amigos!!! Dulce o trato ~ ~ ~
