Nicaragua Surf Report | Photo from April 26, 2023 at 10:01 PM

What a DAY Wednesday! Got down there pretty early and found some pretty good Nugs for the early birds, only to be denied by one of our “Third World Problems” when I got home all excited to offload the photos and actually have an early day report, to find that we had a scheduled power outage from 9am-3-4PM (pretty normal thing for around here) - but it helps if you have a back up generator which I don’t. Then once the power finally came back on, I get struck by lighting bolt number two for the day and to my demise having my surge protector (which served me well for over 10 years actually) finally had its last day today. Soooo, I had to quickly run to town and buy a new surge protector, hence the super tardy report. So my apologies, but needless to say, I’m open and I’m honest and that’s my story. . . but besides all that nonsense, let’s finally take a peek at this mornings Bliss!!!

< See the entire Nicaragua Surf Report for 04-26-2023