Nicaragua Surf Report | Photo from January 29, 2012 at 7:53 PM

I would estimate that there were about 300 locals in attendance yesterday.  It was an afternoon filled with food, music, games for the kids- what a great way to raise awareness and promote conservation.  Unfortunately, it has been a long time tradition for locals to eat turtle eggs.  In 2007, Fauna & Flora International launched a national media campaign- Yo no como huevos de tortuga (I don't eat turtle eggs) to counter consumption of turtle eggs. This organization has worked to bring awareness to an estimated 1/5 of the Nicaragua population, through annual festivals, school and community projects. I read that before 2002, every leatherback egg laid was poached and now 90% are conserved.  Right on!

< See the entire Nicaragua Surf Report for 01-29-2012