Nicaragua Surf Report for Thursday, January 06, 2022

Brian Scott

Welcome to the windy day Thursday surf report damas y caballeros! Check out them whitecaps out the back. There were some fun waves coming in, but those white caps also mean one other thing… get ready for some chillier water temps. But don’t worry, I’d be willing to bet majority of the people (ie. you) coming here to visit are coming from much colder water and waves. So take it easy and just remember to bring a good rash guard or spring suit and you’ll be all set!

Brian Scott

A bit of some stuff going on in this photo….

Brian Scott

Although this one is pretty straight and to the point! Nice slash btw amigo!

Brian Scott

Ok, so back to the previous shot before the last… you notice the surfer going for the big off the lip in the far background? Sick eh!

Brian Scott

This lady was having one heck of a fun time out there catching a bunch of wind swept perfectly sized for beginner waves out there today.

Brian Scott

Same for this young gun. Having a BLAST!!!!

Brian Scott

Take out a big Panga and take off on the big outsiders at Pangas! It’s the prefect place for lots of foam!

Brian Scott

Or if you prefer to shortboard, try and make sure you get in some nice turns like this hombre’s doing.

Brian Scott

Someone waaaaaaaay down past Costa Mar, he might even be launching right in front of Mark & Daves? My zoom lens and it’s compression can be pretty sneaky like that! Jaja


Brian Scott

Ok my friends, it was another nice and sunny day here in Nica-Land! You’ll have a nice little surprise for your report tomorrow, so be sure to check back in…. and yes, I’m gonna leave you hanging Hahaha! Brian signing out ~

Remember, even if you didn’t make the highlights you can always look at the link here for all the Daily Surf Shots from each day, there might be a good chance you’re in there!

AND don’t forget to follow us and always check out our current happenings on our daily Instagram stories here NSR or my photography here Nica Surf Shots 
