Nicaragua Surf Report for Tuesday, January 04, 2022

Brian Scott

Happy Tuesday everyone & guess what….?? That’s right, it was another super fun day of waves. January is turning out to be a really great start to this new year. Checkity check it!

Brian Scott

Doing my ritualistic routine surf check on my report days, I usually start off early and kinda take my years of experience, which include the tide (which is one of the more important factors - usually), the surf and winds and in todays case, who was out and when. Well, I didn’t really see anyone out pretty much all day. And the waves definitely didn’t look super appealing…. however, the golden hour session time turned out to be Theeeeee TIME today! Asher bashing one of many in that beautiful golden afternoon sunlight.

Brian Scott

Like father like son! Fin really coming into his own, but with a lot of his pops style imbedded obviously in his genes.

Brian Scott

This is probably the smallest wave I saw out there. Everything coming in was chest to head high or a tad bigger, & super clean almost glassy conditions. But props to this unknown ripper surfing out there. He paddled right out to only a small handful of loc’s that found that mysto peak a little off from the main peak at the reef.

Brian Scott

So this nice little wave today was all sandbar and it breaks usually around this time of year. The sand must build up over on this area and it creates this super sick little skatepark like wave.. what do you like, left?

Brian Scott

Or right?

Brian Scott

Jason will take either one and have his way with each of them. However, he found this sweet little barreling section and it was tube time for J on this emerald little nugget!

Brian Scott

Total skatepark, minus the concrete. Jaja

Brian Scott

Just a few locals in the know or maybe just lucked out with todays find. All I know is it stokes me out equally as much, as this gave me gold for todays report.

Brian Scott

This is looking up towards to inside section of the reef (proper) there were peaks all over!

Brian Scott

Espero que enero siga dando!!!!!

Brian Scott

What I said is, I hope January keeps giving! We shall see tomorrow. Buenas noches for now ~