Nicaragua Surf Report for Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Tony Zacharek

Tubing Tuesday with only s few people in the water. @tonyzphotos took to the water for todays pics.

Tony Zacharek

The waves were a little inconsistent, but when they did come there were some good ones. This guy playing peek-a-boo down the beach.

Tony Zacharek

On the left Jacob packed a few nice looking lefts as you can se here.

Tony Zacharek

Sterling looking to throw his hat in the ring and pick a few off of his own.

Tony Zacharek

DJ Just arrived and is pretty happy with the set up.

Tony Zacharek

This was a common sight mid morning. Everyone waiting for the tide I guess.

Tony Zacharek

Sterling putting on the brakes and hoping for some shade.

Tony Zacharek

Jacob finishing off todays report with a nice crack off the top. Looks like we could have a nice repeat of today.