Nicaragua Surf Report for Saturday, November 09, 2019

Brian Scott

Bienvenido al Sabado surf reporté!!! WOW - I think it’s safe to say that just by looking at the cover shot here, you know we have some NEW SWELL in the water! Come on in and check it out!

Brian Scott

I got down to the beach this morning around 8:00am and this is what I walked up to. A clean new swell with only about 3 people out in the water.

Brian Scott

My amigo Simon was one of them. Can you say scoring!!!!

Brian Scott

Ok, I have to be honest. This swell is super southerly and hence the possible shadowing of Galapagos, there were some extreme lulls in-between the really good (BIG) sets; not to mention the tide was still pretty low, so it needed a little more water as well. So there was a bit of the lineup looking a bit like this.

Brian Scott

This dude had the perfect solution. Post up in a makeshift hammock and watch it until it turns into that perfect magic hour show!!

Brian Scott

When the good sets did come, it was good to be in position so you could snag one of the 3 or 4 waves in the set.

Brian Scott

Once more people came out to play around 9 or so, there were a couple ladies out there trying their hand at the PC barrel game as well.

Brian Scott

And of course, there’s always some carnage!!! How sick is that wave tho???

Brian Scott

There weren’t very many rights on hand as most of the swell was pushing north from the strong southerly angle.

Brian Scott

So it was all about the lefts out there today. Really really good lefts!!!

Brian Scott

John Gillem, setting up for one of those epic lefts.

Brian Scott

Actually the LB crew out there was man handling these waves like nobodies business. Buzzy on a screamer!

Brian Scott

JG following suit on another one.

Brian Scott

I saw the LB guys pulling into more barrels I think more than anyone else out there. Props to the big panga guys!!! Charging it out there!

Brian Scott

PD’s looking like it’s only about 100 yards away. It’s also was bigger than it looks here too!!!

Brian Scott

Simon, winning my surfing parting shot of the day. So epic out there! can’t wait to get back down soon to see if it’s still firing.

Brian Scott

Empty, clean, perfect conditions…. NOVEMBER!!!! Any other questions???? Mahalo for stopping by today. Let’s hope mañana is equally as good! Yewww ~


Remember, even if you didn’t make the highlights you can always look at the link here for all the Daily Surf Shots from each day, there might be a good chance you’re in there!

AND don’t forget to follow us and always check out our current happenings on our daily Instagram stories here NSR or my photography here Nica Surf Shots
