Nicaragua Surf Report for Saturday, November 04, 2023

Josh S

Saturday surf report time! The waves and wind came through for us today! Tube after tube all day long.

Josh S

Lefts still dominated the lineup today, but we did see more rights than yesterday. You and a buddy could’ve split the peak on this A-frame!

Josh S

There were some beauties rolling through today. There were notably more surfers in the water this morning too. The word must’ve traveled around the neighborhood quickly that the waves were on.

Josh S

The rights weren’t as open as the lefts, but it was approaching a 50/50 split between the two directions today.

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Bruno driving through a hollow but frothy one closer to the Beach Club.

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Oscar torquing through the most powerful maneuver of the day. I hope he’s got his fins screwed in tight!

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Oscar up again. This time he’s positioning himself such that he can weave from rail to rail through this racey right.

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Chris Mckinley demonstrating some stylish and quality form. He’s low and is pushing his back knee forward and down toward the deck of the surfboard.

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Your clock’s off Oscar! It was only 9:45am at the time of this photo.

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Deploy the parachute! I.e. drag your butt or front knee in the wave face to stall into the barrel.

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You may remember Mr. Grey Board from a past report. Well he was back at it again today. Picking off the finest river-mouth rights available this morning.

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This guy did the folks out the back a solid, he threw them a free shower + cool down from the blazing sun.

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I think this was one of Chris’ buddies driving through this super glassy left.

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A friendlier, sand-bottom version of Pipeline. With a significantly lighter crowd too!

Josh S

Alrighty amigos, let’s call it here. I hope you’ve been sliding through this weekend with as much style as the surfer above. The waves weren’t super heavy today, but the sets kept rolling in all day until the sun slipped below the horizon line. I think tomorrow may be a bit smaller, but I have a hunch that there will still be plenty of tubes on tap.