Nicaragua Surf Report for Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Josh S

Hi everyone! Josh back for the next few days :) Welcome to Wednesday’s surf report. We were blessed with some crisp offshore winds today.

Josh S

The crowd was fairly thin this morning, so there were a few peaks without surfers. Luckily the surfers that were out were quite active, which made for a better report.

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The waves were fairly gentle today, so Elise scored the highest wave count with her longboard.

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She hit the breaks as hard as possible on this little right and got a brief bit of tunnel vision under the lip. It takes a considerable degree of skill to stall effectively on large gear!

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Mariana was the only bodyboarder out. She seemed to be enjoying the hollow low-tide pipes.

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I was stoked to see Nacho return to the lineup for some waves this morning. He had some gangster style going with his pig-dog form on this left in combination with his bucket hat and chain necklace haha!

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Kevin Cortez opted for the twin fin setup today given the smaller size. It worked out well as he was able to generate plenty of speed and whip through his airs.

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Dani Cruche chucking some buckets out the back. Flexing his muscles for the other surfers watching out the back :)

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The general trajectory of low-tide set waves - A quick pop-up followed by drives down the line!

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Elise show-casing her nimble dance moves on her go-to longboard. Five toes over the nose! I wish I was this graceful during my hang fives haha.

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Bruno floating the section. He’s giving us the good ol’ “Talk to the hand.”

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Dani was flying down the line on this left and connected with a critical floater. I’d say Kevin was slightly faster than Dani today, but this was a sick move in my book.

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Perfect mini-barrels! Great training ground for the super groms. They lucked out that our resident super grommies are out of town presently.

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The classic sideways head tilt to ensure you squeeze under the lip and don’t get clipped. This gentleman did well to track down this beauty, one of the better set waves I saw this morning.

Josh S

That wraps up today’s surf action. My brother is back from the US (but recovering from an injury) so he tried his luck with the fish today. No dice today, but maybe tomorrow the bite will be on haha. It looks like the wind will be favorable tomorrow, so it’s probably worth getting out there if possible. It should be a bit bigger tomorrow as well, so be sure to check back in for the report.