Nicaragua Surf Report for Saturday, October 14, 2023

Josh S

Hola a todos! Saturday morning surf report coming your way from Colorados. The window to get tubed was definitely before 9:30/10am this morning.

Josh S

Chris McKinley was the first surfer to get a wave when I got down to shoot. He managed to find some cover on this ripped up left.

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Dang, I suffered a big loss by not getting out there early this morning. There were definitely some quality tubes for those who got on it early enough.

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The man in black (ripper) from yesterday darted out in time to beat the wind for about half an hour. Ripping per usual.

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Like Chris, he managed to find some shade on an inside rip-ey right.

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I was pretty focused on getting some good shots when I was at the beach, so I didn’t even realize how good it was until just now going through the photos haha

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This little guy cruising through a nice little backside snap. He and his brother did well to get out and grab some waves given the size today.

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Man in black with a big hack!

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By this stage of my photo session the wind had started to pick up onshore, so the surfers began to shift from tube pursuit to turns.

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This guy was sending it hard out there though, so the onshore didn’t deter him from an under the lip takeoff here.

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Lip smack attack up North from this rippah.

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Our hard charger was a bull in the china shop out there today. He took off on this double up left and went for a top turn right as the monster second section was about to engulf him.

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He even managed to find a little tube after the wind turned!

Josh S

Well amigos that was this morning's quick flurry of quality surf. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that tomorrow morning provides and that I can get out for some tubes before the wind gets on it! Tony Z returns to the lens tomorrow, so be sure to stop in and see what he captures.