Nicaragua Surf Report for Tuesday, October 06, 2020

Brian Scott

Welcome back for another Tuesday surf report. Unfortunately the rain made it’s way here by the time I was able to get some pics, so it was a hide and seek game trying to get something without drenching my gear in the process, but still not a single surfer out there. So here’s to another creative lay day of waves and wet rainy weather.

Brian Scott

Mother nature wasn’t going to even let me stroll onto the beach to take some shots outside the safe and covered patio. But even with the onshore winds, the rain was petty much blowing sideways into my little safety zone!

Brian Scott

You win today Mother Nature! Hahahahaha!

Brian Scott

So with that said, here’s what I decided to pull out of my go to norm when we have these not so often shut down days…. I have about 10 really large external hard drives that span back to around 2012. So here’s some of my favorite images I’ve captured over the years and also hopefully some nice mind candy for you all to enjoy on this otherwise crappy day.

Brian Scott

Tony Z, I think this was maybe June or July of 2013. Really huge pumping swell. It’s WAYYYY Bigger than it looks, trust me! Shot this from the roof top of Casa Blanca (which btw is being completely renovated right now) I would keep your eyes peeled to rent that home once it's finished. It’s going to be EPIC!!! Oh and you can watch this wave every day breaking while you’re here on vacation.

Brian Scott

Offshore, but somehow still oil sheet glass at the same time. This place is amazing when it wants to be…. which is usually a lot more than not.

Brian Scott

When it’s peak season and the really big juicy swells coming marching in from the south, like off of New Zealand, you HAVE to go find some other places that can handle the size and swell energy.  This right, that’s right, I said right… is a little jaunt in the right direction from our beloved Playa Colorado, but if you zoom and check out my buddy Andrew in the middle bottom right, (yes that’s him paddling super hard but he still got completely steamrolled by this beast) maybe it’s better, it’s actually more safe to just watching this from the channel or in my case shooting this from the land maybe 3/4 of a mile out to sea with my giant 500mm telephoto lens.  And yes, this wave is totally surfable. It’s just all up to you if you wanna paddle out into that! JAJA!

Brian Scott

How picture perfect is this wave??? One of many really solid good days here, I think this was 2015?

Brian Scott

If you don’t like picture perfect or too cliché type of waves. Then maybe you need a really spooky looking deep water outer reef wave like this one here? Check out Trin-mon super deep and totally slotted on this nugget!

Brian Scott

The inner-workings of Colorados and one of the best technicians to ever work in the garage here. Mr. Carlos de Colorados.

Brian Scott

Super shallow mysto slab over crunchy rock reef and lost of sea urchins ANYONE????

Brian Scott

Alrighty amigos… here’s the current and 17 day long range forecast for you all to see what we’re in store for here over the next couple weeks

Brian Scott

Waves and swell looking to be fun and playful, as these pesky on-shores are looking to die off by Saturday (check the graph in the previous screen shot)

Brian Scott

But if you’ll notice, swells looking to be bigger the last week of the forecast between the 17th through the 22nd. And check out them winds!!!! Yippeeeee!!!

Brian Scott

Until then it looks like it’s going to be like this for a few more days.

Brian Scott

Hope you all enjoyed todays “creative down day look back into some of our better days” surf report. This is actually the sunset from this evening. Never seem to go a day here without being fascinated by the pure beauty of this place! Enjoy the rest of your evening friends ~