Nicaragua Surf Report for Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Josh S

Hey everyone! Welcome to the Wednesday surf report coming your way from Playa Colorado. Josh here back behind the lens for the next set of days. The waves weren’t massive today, but the shape was really nice and there was some shredding going down.

Josh S

There were a couple of barrels made this morning. This unknown guy did well to drop his back knee and get low.

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Another mystery surfer locking into a green super mario pipe. He’s also got the good back knee bent forward technique. He’s nearly touching the deck of his board with his lead hand for some extra style points.

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Jeison lets no end section go to waste!

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Oscar found a surprise throaty double up. This ended up being a great barrel ride, he got multiple sections that threw ahead of him.

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Carlos de Colorados flaring up with this “rockstar” straight air. Sky high?

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I think Oscar got a couple of new boards recently and they look pretty much perfect for him. Or at the very least he has been surfing these new boards well.

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Carlos and Jeison party wave! Jeison got the short end of the stick here, but at least Carlos dug some rail in and chucked some buckets.

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Tony Z is one of the people in Iguana that almost always has a smile on his face. He said he got a couple of fun waves, but Tony is always enjoying life irrespective of surf conditions.

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Oscar gets air and maneuver of the day for this one here! Flaring the tail up, but keeping a tight grip on the rail to keep the board reigned in.

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Carlos up to his usual antics, finding the unfindable super gems even when it looks like barrels are out of the question.

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Hi Oscar! Getting some hang time again :)

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Carlos can sniff a barrel out from a mile away haha

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Bo Fox putting his rail and speed to work on this glassy right. He displaced a large quantity of water here!

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The tight tubito tuck! A little tongue twister for you.

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Who let the bulls out? Who? Who? Who? The locals have been employing the bulls in relocating trees and debris on the beach, so maybe this was their breakfast break. That’s all of today’s surf action here in paradise. Tomorrow could be pumping so definitely worth taking a peep in. I’m hesitant to jinx the conditions, but I think September could be our golden month this year that pumps really hard.