Nicaragua Surf Report for Thursday, August 12, 2021

Hey there everybody hope you're having a great day and a solid week so far. The swell has been inching up over the last few days and is now super fun and providing lots of awesome waves. The lineup was pretty empty today considering the quality of the waves. Let's take a look at some rides from the incoming tide 1pm-2pm session time slot.

This grom has been ripping it up out there getting pushed into waves and pushing the limits of his surf to the next level. Yeeeew

Below the lip above the lip whatever it is the surfers here are always pushing the limits.

Mystery Barrel Surfer! Yeah Bro!

See that double hand drag stall that's that ish right there. Waterman getting the front row shot.

How about a full pig dog body drag stall fully bro that's a fully

Lean in or layback these guys were shredding out front putting on a show for the diners at Pili's Beach Club restaurant.

It is no surprise that there was a lot of hooting and hollering coming from the spectators on the beach when the waves were rolling in like this all day.

Duplicate photo? Nah bruh that's just framers coming in back to back like we doing carpentry work

Bawdy cruising through this turquoise gem of a wave looking like Aquaman out there.

Speaking of Superheros can I through a Silver Surfer reference in here for this guy doing his best Norrin impression looking like he imprisoned JJF in his board and is retrieving his energy for this air.

Not all tubes and airs though sometimes a good strong hack of the lip is what is called for and appreciated.

Bawdy on another beautiful tube peeling along the beach after a super hard stall to get himself in position. Always killing it out there! Okay thank you for coming and checking out the surf report today just like everyday. We will be here bringing you the best of what the Emerald Coast has to offer, come and check us out in the flesh soon. Otherwise enjoy the mind surf and little moments of zen. Peace