Nicaragua Surf Report for Wednesday, August 09, 2023

Josh S

Hi everyone! Josh back behind the lens with Wednesday’s surf report from Playa Colorado. The swell was still a bit so-so relative to what was forecasted, but there were fun waves out there for those who were patient.

Josh S

The tubes were a bit few and far between today, meaning turns were mostly up on the menu. This guy putting his speed to work via his rail on this roundhouse!

Josh S

This chica got the most “complimentary” ride of the day. Blue wave, blue shirt, and a blue board! I think her wave here had the best color that I saw all day today.

Josh S

Most of the waves today were pretty cruisey. This gentleman down South feeling the flow on this nice lip-line tag.

Josh S

I live for these end section smacks on these slightly smaller days! Sometimes when it’s racey the safest bet is to fly down the line and prepare for one big top-turn, as opposed to getting too cute and trying to squeeze in two or more turns.

Josh S

There were still some signs of swell today, but I think the sandbars still need to “shape up” some more so that these sets are makable.

Josh S

Slash away the shaving cream! This guy wins the award for most spray thrown today.

Josh S

And the barrel of the day award goes to this guy! He took the perfect line through this right bomb set.

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Backside air revo from the roundhouse surfer from earlier.

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Simone driving into a nice medium size right. This was a pretty good wave for today, so it garnered a considerable amount of attention from the other surfers.

Josh S

This guy somehow managed to click through this nice mini-backhand snap, despite the wave being super duper soft. Way to stay nimble dude.

Josh S

Raido Yagami! Just kidding on the last name part haha. But Raido is a young ripper who’s been here for about a month. I’ve seen him weave through some legit barrels when he first got here, but he’s also very good at rail to rail surfing. I wonder if he skates as well, because this is a sick improv rail slide, in our case a lip-slide :)

Josh S

A good chunk of the surfers today were working on their skateboard tricks! A well timed end-section boost from this surfer.

Josh S

To close out today’s surf action, we have Lindsey on a nice medium size left. She was debating whether to surf or not, but I’m glad she darted out quick and nabbed this little nugget (I bet she got some more after I left as well).

Josh S

These chicas have it right! When the sun’s out and the breeze is moderate, then it’s time to hit the beach! The weather has been beautiful this “rainy” season, so if you want in on the tropics then it’s time to start scouting for accommodation and flights! Tomorrow’s forecast looks a bit smaller, but I bet there will still be some fun waves for the surfers here.