Nicaragua Surf Report for Sunday, June 29, 2014

Hello good afternoon. This is the Sunday report. The wind is soft and the set is coming every 20 minute, the period in this swell is too long ( 19 second ), but the wave keep fun. Check it out.

Some boogie board riders were killing this right. During the low tide this point was a little heavy and fast. Perfect for this kind of surfer.

Carlito take out his Firewire Tomo for make a test drive. How that work Carlitos?

This guy was trying to get into a tube during this session. In the end he's got it.

This guy was waiting for a good wave for go back home and he got it. A little tube and one nice turn after. Is a perfect way to finish his surf session.

Suuuuuaashhh. Sometime is good have heavy wave, sometime we need wave just for fun.

My friend ( La Rata ) is visiting Nica land. Surfing 4 time per day, getting wave like this one. Cooking like chef gourmet, fish, lobster and pollito. Spending a good time with his friends.

For one hour the backwash confuse the people. This wave was 3 feet high and after HHUU overhead. that was a late drop.

Ok. Amigos. That was the action today. We hope the swell start hitting the beach for the next day. Check how the wave is growing. Armando Lopez is out.