Nicaragua Surf Report for Saturday, June 22, 2019

Brian Scott

Happy Saturday eveyrone! Well, today was another one of those marathon days… took a little road trip with some friends and ended up scoring one of the best point breaks in all of Nicaragua. Come find out how it went!

Brian Scott

The morning was a little slow going, since the tide was going out. But the crowd factor was just right!

Brian Scott

Just my amigos and a few others out enjoying beautiful conditions away from the everyday crowds.

Brian Scott

John G in his other happy place.

Brian Scott

Many of your who know John, whether it be from here in Nica or on the reports or from his other home in the US, know when he’s smiling like this, he’s the happiest person on the planet. Not only because he’s going left on a really nice wave, but because he’s pretty much happy anytime of the year!

Brian Scott

Barry was another amigo out enjoying some time away from the mundane. Haha, we call it mundane, most people come here and call it vacation.

Brian Scott

But if you live somewhere long enough, you find reasons to venture other places so you can re-appreciate your mundane like places. Barry’s mundane place is his school classroom. Here, I’m guessing he’s calculating plenty about that barrel section; therefore he’s plenty removed far far away of his mundane spot, but he’s still thinking like the mathematician genius that he is!

Brian Scott

Like here, he had to calculate quite a bit and pretty fast in order to avoid that dry reef he was about to run over.

Brian Scott

But nonetheless, he kept on cruising and cruising right on by without any interruption to this long wall of empty wave that peeled for another 100 feet or so.

Brian Scott

Dr Rob is like Barry’s doppelganger, but they’re not like siamese twins, but rather more like just paternal twins with equally contagious laughs. Oh and they’re both goofy footers, which means, well ya, they’re bit goofy, but they’re both super smart.

Brian Scott

Here Rob is following suit on a similar wave as Barry, taking this reeling left all the way in. BTW, this wave is notorious for making really good noodle arms out of you!

Brian Scott

Rob love Nica and Nica loves Rob. Always my greatest pleasure shooting with you guys every time!!!!

Brian Scott

By the time the afternoon tide swing had shifted, a few more people showed up to play at this legendary LHPB.

Brian Scott

And with that higher tide filling in, so were the barrel sections.

Brian Scott

There was this crazy almost back rain squall quickly making it’s way to the ocean from inland.

Brian Scott

With is came some pretty strong howling offshores….

Brian Scott

Everyone here knows what to expect after any afternoon rainstorm. Like Hot Carl here… (which was pretty nice to see El Jefe make it out to the lineup after his scramble tournament on the back 18)

Brian Scott

After every rain shower, comes epic glassy and light offshore conditions (usually!) Either way Carl was stoked to be out catching some of the best waves of the day here.

Brian Scott

Paula on set wave of the day that went well past me and way to the inside. Nice one Chica!!!

Brian Scott

If you’ve ever been fortunate to surf this wave then you know how good it can get. This afternoon was one of those magical days!

Brian Scott

Just ask Danny, as he cracks a huge off the lip off of one of the craziest sections of this wave. If he falls he’s gonna be on a pretty nice rock shelf which is only a few feet away.

Brian Scott

One fine get-a-away day with these amable people!

Brian Scott

All right…. well this is one of them at least. This is also the end of my Saturday surf repot. I hope you guys enjoyed. It’s been a heck of a long day, so I’m gonna hit send on my report and close up shop for the day. I will see you all back here tomorrow for the Sunday Funday report. Chao for now ~