Nicaragua Surf Report for Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Brian Scott

Happy Tuesday Everyone… and what a Toobs-day of waves it was! If you like this cover shot for todays report, you might want to just pass go and jump right in!

Brian Scott

It was an epic day of waves to say the least. Ya ya ya, there were a few who might have found some flaws with todays consistency. However, this is a prime example of when you get way too spoiled with waves like this way too often! haha

Brian Scott

All joking aside, I think anyone who ended up paddling out today had a really good time… including this guy. John Gillem, who I think may have put in over 8 hours of surfing alone today.

Brian Scott

If you like rights in the land of lefts, there were plenty… and really good I might add!

Brian Scott

The lefts were MEHHHhh… haha Just kidding! Those were firing too!

Brian Scott

Fly guy Kai isn’t just a super sick barrel aficionado, he’s got some air game as well!

Brian Scott

There were so many “Mystery Barrel Surfers” I honestly closed my eyes, scrolled down in my folder from todays shots and this is the first one that came up that I clicked on. Haha unreal eh????

Brian Scott

You wanna see what a Nicaraguan In & Out “Double Double” looks like. Sorta like this.

Brian Scott

The menehune of the tribe were out there slaying some caverns today.

Brian Scott

Koji getting pretty comfy in his element (aka) his home break at Playa Colorado.

Brian Scott

YEAHHH Papa Nam. Mr. Cesar sooo stoked to run his own business where he can drop everything at the drop of a “Stop ’N’ Go Hat” to go surf when the word on the street is that it’s firing!

Brian Scott

Getting ready for the even bigger swell coming!!!

Brian Scott

And when I say bigger swell… most people here know to look for this. And when you see this…

Brian Scott

you want to be sure to make your way over to this! Because this is the end result of that giant lump that was coming in from way outside.

Brian Scott

Of course I wanted to make a little shift change myself camera position wise as I saw the rights were starting to really do their thing! Kai on a really sick deep one!!!

Brian Scott

These are the days people remember this place for and talk about long after they’re gone!

Brian Scott

Luckily Andy lives here and really doesn’t ever need to go anywhere else. Not as long as he’s got this wave in his backyard.

Brian Scott

Derek, I think I got the wave of the afternoon session. Just look at his calmness while under pressure of A LOT of water he’s about to navigate.

Brian Scott

After one huge super stylish bottom turn (which I think you’ve all seen before) and a snap check into the pocket, followed by a few good pumps down the line in the tubo, here’s one of the magical glassy frames of him getting yet another view of one of the best waves on the planet!

Brian Scott

JG, still out there after surfing all day long. Like the golden rule of surfing goes… never leave really good waves when they’re pumping!

Brian Scott

I’m really really hoping to have a repeat of todays waves tomorrow. We shall sleep now, and wake and we shall see..!!!! Buenas noches amigos ~