Nicaragua Surf Report for Sunday, May 26, 2019

Brian Scott

Hola & Happy Sunday! It was another day of rain and gloomy grey skys, but the waves were pretty amazing. Come on, let me show YOU!

Brian Scott

Being a photographer, you sometimes have yeld to mother natures moods, but then again that’s where being a photographer comes in handy because you always need to be creative with what you have. Even when the light wasn’t that great and despite the endless day of nonstop rain.

Brian Scott

Nicely groomed sandbars and a modest little swell in the water were my saving grace today.

Brian Scott

Perfectly tapered little over head peelers through the mid tide going out is where you wanted to be today.

Brian Scott

Mike is fan of this wave. That’s why he built one of the best homes that sits right in front of this iconic little gem.

Brian Scott

Rain or no rain, this place will still always deliver come winter season, whatever the deniers will say.  I can say this because I live here the entire year!

Brian Scott

Who parked this tree in the lineup??? Someone call the HOA!!! Jajajaja inside joke.

Brian Scott

Because of the dreary weather, I didn’t really have much intention of staying longer than being able to get a few shots just to use for the surf report, but to my surprise I found myself shooting longer than an hour because it was this good!

Brian Scott

A lot of people went home today, so the lineup crowd wasn’t too crazy.

Brian Scott

Even Papa Kerson finding some little nugs all to himself.

Brian Scott

Lucky for me, I had the premier NSR beach house to shoot from while it rained the day way.


Brian Scott

Barrels were what were on tap out there, for sure! But there were a few sick turns!

Brian Scott


Brian Scott

Jason is always putting on a little clinic, rain or shine!

Brian Scott

See what I’m sayin’!

Brian Scott

Mystery barrel surfers….. there were way too many today to count!

Brian Scott

Ahemmmm…. seriously, I wasn’t joking!

Brian Scott

Well, it was a roller coaster of a weekend, right John. From torrential down poring rains to breached river mouths with VW sized tree trunks lining the beach, to epic glassy conditions and endless barreling brown waves…. this weekend didn’t disappoint! And with that I bid you adieu ~

Remember, even if you didn’t make the highlights you can always look at the link here for all the Daily Surf Shots from each day, there might be a good chance you’re in there!

AND don’t forget to follow us and always check out our current happenings on our daily Instagram stories here NSR or my photography here Nica Surf Shots
