Nicaragua Surf Report for Saturday, May 16, 2009

Welcome to the Saturday surf report. Roberto headed up north today to try and get some shots of some better waves. It was running about head high with offshore wind. The beach wasn’t showing its game face but it was still fun enough to get some fun waves.  Check it out!

We also have a bunch more pics from today in our NSR Surf Shots Gallery - click above to see if you got shot in Nicaragua!

Tony “El Pastor” Roberts  is normally out there taking shots of all the surfing action. Today he didn’t think much of the waves, so he took his family to the beach to enjoy the sun.

Ollie “El Cebollin” was out there again today. Here he is hand dragging from the take off looking for the green room. That’s two shots in three days, nice work man!

Here we have this guy trying to do his best on this wave. Sometimes this wave can be really fast, so you have to race the line.

Here’s the new fashion for the summer surf season! Avoid the sun and style into your cutbacks!

The waves were really fun for longboards today. Good call on the big panga Pops!

Since the waves weren’t too hot some of the NSR family headed inland to do some cow surfing! We scored for sure. The cows were running about brama bull high with only a few riders.

Mateo “Guineo’s” mullet wasn’t looking 100% so swung by Rivas and stopped at our favorite barber. He transformed his mediocre mullet to a true 80’s mullet in just minutes. As you can tell, Mateo was stoked… Don’t do drugs….

The last shot of the day we got the guy cranking up the face of this wave.  Well, hopefully we get a real swell soon. 

If you want to see more shots from today, be sure to click on one of the photos above to go to our NSR Surf Shots Gallery.