Nicaragua Surf Report for Friday, April 13, 2018

Brian Scott

Hola… it’s that time again. Happy TGIF folks! We had some waves, some wind and some surprise surfers. Peep on in for a closer look!

Brian Scott

JuanJohn looking fresh and stylish on what looks to be a new Pyzel.

Brian Scott

I came out to shoot the beachie and it was looking pretty ok. With little waves like this, I was sure I’d get some good content for the report today.

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Bruno and friend, looking like they might have gone out to try and hand catch the fresh fish of the day for the restaurant. Looking a little empty handed, but I do like that Fresca!!

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Like I said, things were looking so-so, but I was feeling like I wish the surf was a little better.

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I just happened to turn 180 degrees and look up north towards the reef break and saw this insane air being busted over a massive section.

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So my curiosity got the best of me and I had to go check to see what was going on up that way.

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Sure enough, there was a little, or should I say a pretty good size clinic going on.

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Heck, even my good friend Tim Walker was out there having a super fun time!

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This unknown guy took to this inside section like he owned the place. Oh and btw, he totally landed this section and didn’t even wipe out.

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There were a lot of airs…

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and a whole lot of shredding going down.

Brian Scott

Nothing that makes me more happy than seeing super, fun & good surfing happening when I’m behind the lens!

Brian Scott

Steve just got into town and is staying at a friends house for a couple months. I bet he’s super stoked that the waves will be getting progressively better as we fill into our good season here.

Brian Scott

Shannondoah has been staying here at one of our best beach homes here at Hacienda Iguana with his Family.

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This is just one of the many countless waves here on his epic surf trip.

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So, in case you’re wondering who might be out giving such a nice little clinic, gracing our local waves… this is Men’s QS surfer Samual Pupo, primo de WSL pro surf Miguel Pupo.

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As well as this other Mens QS shredder Santiago Muniz. Bienvenido a amigos de nicaragua

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Looks tempting…

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Ok, maybe not! We’ll leave these ones for the pros!

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If you want to see what a wind up like this looks like from the other side and half way through the rotation…

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It looks a little something like this.

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With airs, there’s a lot of controversy over one’s staple rail game. I think if you’re laying lines like this on the norm…

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These two images should help shut out any doubt in said “speculators minds” on whether you’re a well rounded surfer.

Brian Scott

How wide do you think that really is??? Stay tuned and I’ll show YOU (from the water angle of course)!! Stoked to be getting my water housing game back on very soon!!! Until then, Thanks for stopping by on this fabulous Friday. Felices días por delante ~