Nicaragua Surf Report for Monday, April 04, 2016

Hello everybody and welcome to a new week of NSR surf reports! This is Parker showing you today's action. Check out our shots!

I woke up early and checked the reef. I saw long open lines to carve. Because nobody was surfing, I went to fill my quota...

During the dawn patrol session, I met Ryan from South Dakota. He told me how he checks our report everyday (possibly while working). To all you dedicated followers, we appreciate you guys reading our reports!

Consistently visiting here will dramatically improve your surfing. Ryan was tearing up the faces and riding in the pockets all morning.

When there is a long period swell in the water, this reef produces long rolling rights and lefts. The wave is shifty, but if you lock into one, you'll catch it to the beach.

Rob is back in town for another visit. Everyday, he packs in multiple sessions at Horseshoes or the southern beachie. Between surfs, he spends plenty of time with his wife, Janel. Work hard to enjoy your retirement!!

And if you work hard on your bottom turns, you can enjoy your top turns! As always, it's good to see y'all back in town.

Rob rode this wave all the way to the beach with a huge smile! He ended the morning session on this note and ate happily ate breakfast.

After a weekend filled with non stop surf, we were happy to squeeze in a Monday morning session. So far, April has been zero jokes and all epic waves! More waves are on their way.

Jack caught a left bomba this morning. He is the Chief Iguana Officer of the EMHEC because he serves on our HOA. Out of appreciation for the quality of life here, give him a wave for the long meetings and days spent in the office.

The only long meeting Ryan had was with his board meeting. He was snagging rights and tosses buckets the entire morning. Nice to meet you Ryan and welcome back down!!

It can be a long tough paddle out to this reef so take a minute to find the rips. They will help punch you through the heavy insiders.

Tommy Tsunami slipped out for a couple waves. How can you not when it's consistently head high with inviting faces?!

Ok damas and caballeros, we had a great morning at the northern reef. The beachies will get increasingly fun as the period drops back. Get out and find an afternoon wave!

After the tide filled in, we surfed the main beachie. Gerado from NICA 365 submitted a few of his photos to complement today's action. Gracias Gerado!!

Tony Z was taking care of water shots. If you want a professional photo and a great angle, reach out to him at [email protected].

Have faith bigger guys!! We can find our waves and squeeze into the barrel too!!

The wave of the day belonged to Lesther Espinoza. During it's window, it was a barrel fest!!

Thank you Gerado for your photo submissions! Alright guys, get out there while the waves are still fun! Thank you all for checking the report. Hasta en la manana!