Nicaragua Surf Report for Thursday, January 29, 2009

Welcome guys to the Thursday surf report, this Roberto Lucha Libre and Come Pan bringing you all the action from out here at Maderas.  Today we made out in the morning one more time because we wanted to take advantage of the tide conditions but unfortunately when we got there the tide was going down.  So anyway we caught some fun waves to ride, it was running about chest to shoulder high on sets, the wind was offshore and the water was a little bit chilly.  Check it out.

The lineup was super mellow this morning, only there were a few of surfers taking some fun waves and enjoying the sun rise in the water.  Here we caught this unknown rider looking for a nice barrel on this looking right.

A couple of ladies decided to get wet and catch a ton of waves.  This is Karina from USA taking off on this mallow but sweet left and making sure to have a nice ride all the way to the sand.  Karina was super excited to get some sun after a good time that she spent in the water.

Augusto “La Gaviota” Chamorro woke up early and he decided take a ride to the beach with us.  Here he is bottom turning on this right.  “La Gaviota” is working hard this time because he wants to get a title in the next’s surf competitions.   Good luck buddy!!!

Here we have another cool shot of this PALE rider taking one of the best sets wave of the day.   This guy was more than happy to be one of the first persons in the water and take a bunch of different type of waves.


Rex “La Bestia” Calderon was out there showing us some of his sick maneuvers and shredding all over the place as always.   Here he is with a nice back side floater on this left.   Rex is so happy because tonight he going to have his really first date with his girlfriend.  Congratulation my friend!!!

On the last shot of the day we caught this sweet wave from Machete Pt with nobody rolling in all the way to the beach.  What is a shame?   Alright guys this is all for today, the waves could be the same size for the next couple days.  Please check back with us tomorrow.   Lucha Libre and Come Pan out!!!!