Nicaragua Surf Report for Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Hey folks, this is Lucha Libre Garcia reporting from up north.  Today we checked out a couple spots and this is what we found.  Nice chest to shoulder high waves on sets, with quite strong offshore winds and the water was nice.  Check it out!!!

The lineup was not busy at all, there were only about 7 or 9 guys out and we had waves for everyone. Check out this unknown rider nabbing this little nugget.

Lots of baits is coming close to shore, and the big fish as well. So, all the local fisherman are throwing the hand lines out and trying to catch some. This is the scene we had on the beach today!

Since the baits were all over, the birds were all over too, getting on every pic we took at this spot. Check out this local splitting a nice turn with the birds.

The last shot from this spot goes to this unknown ripper, tearing this section up.  Nice looking snap, isn't it?

We changed locations and headed down a little bit south and we had fun.  There were some nice ones rolling in, as you can see!

Rights and lefts were coming in, up and down the beach.  Uknown rider loving the colors on this one!

Mario El Dañino Martinez owned the show this afternoon.  Here he is caught destroying this little right.

Meanwhile El Codo Lopez, was working on his tube ride style.  Check him out squezzing in on this little nugget.

Are you enjoying the view pal?  Because it looks pretty fun, doesn't it?

Mario wasn't the only local ripping out there.  This is El Cabucho Jacamo showing us some power with a manfan spray!

Alright folks, that's all for today.  Please check back tomorrow!