Nicaragua Surf Report for Monday, December 04, 2006

Hi, this is Roberto

Here is a local from San Juan del Sur. I don't remenber his name but I have a nickname for him. He's

We had many chicks on the beach and I was doing my thing.

Yeahhhh baby, The NSR crew scored one more time. We had a 10 pounds Loro fish out here at Maderas today. This is one of biggest Loro I've ever seem. I'm not kidding you.

Here is Coki going right in the backgrownd. Hey buddy where have you been? Do you have a new friend?

Check out Codo and Kambute checking out that wave. That's why they decided to go diving. It did pay off guys.

TODAY'S SPANISH CLASS: Yo estube como cazando hoy. Yo estube exactamente detraz de los arboles para tener esta foto. I was kind of hunting today. I was right behind the trees to get this shot.

Please check back with us.