Nicaragua Surf Report for Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Hi and thanks for joining us for today’s surf report.  We are getting kind of bored with all of the days of on shore winds that we have had. This is very unusual to happen this early in the year down here but we have to deal with it.  So, we tried to find some other stuff to do around town.  We went by the bay and we took a couple shots just to let you know how choppy it is right now.  It’s knee high on sets and the winds were blowing on shore.  Check it out.

D-Lite went by the pharmacy today to take the stitches out because this thing is heeling well and his arm is getting ready for another accident, we are just kidding buddy!!!  We hope you never have to visit a doctor again.

Here we have Erick “Pelo Bonito” Kambutito exhibiting his new creation.  This guy really does the best paint jobs in town, so if you guys want to get in contact with him so he can make your boards super rad for you, just let us know.  He definitely made a good job on Carlitos Cliente’s board.

We want to wish a good trip to our good friend Luis “La Baloy” Chamorro who is heading to Managua today because he’s taking the bus to El Salvador tomorrow morning.  He was supposed to be traveling with “La Bestia” Calderon but he is not feeling good so Luis is going by himself.  Good luck buddy and we hope you can send us some pictures to keep us updated on the contest.

Later in the afternoon, we decided to stop by the basketball court and play some hoops for a couple hours right before dark.  Actually Carlitos Calientes was the special guest of the day because he will be flying out tomorrow for California on a well deserved vacation for 6 weeks.  Alright buddy, have a safe trip and enjoy yourself.

The waves should be a little bit smaller tomorrow and the winds are supposed to be the same, so we definitely are going to look around for some other places to go and have fun.  Please check back tomorrow.