Nicaragua Surf Report for Saturday, May 31, 2014

Hello friends. Today we woke up early for check the surf condition and was pure rain during all morning. Good water temperature with nice color and the wave have 4 feet with good shape. Check it out.

 The right and left were working good and not many people in the line up.

Later in the after noon a group of friends from Brasil. Were to visit other spot and check what we found. Nice left. Huuuhuuu.

 Here is Eduardo Gomes take advantage of the shape of this wave for practice cut.

Sergio ( El Rasta ) decide start looking for the barrel because the next visit to Nica Land and he won't leave if don't have a barrel.

The most young about surf in this group is Fred Barros. He is learning to surf, but see how good he is doing, he thing is like Eagle.

The ripper in this group is Carlos. He did this nice float with good landing.

Eduardo is studying the wave. Thinking make barrel for the next time.

Ok. Mis amigos. There are a big party tonight around here and I know everybody will go, so tomorrow I think no to many people will wake up early. But check the surf report for see what happened. Armando Lopez is going out. ( PARTY, PARTY To Night )